K. Yang is the creator of StopFemaleErasure.com and the writer, filmmaker, artist, and activist behind "The Deprogrammer."
K. Yang is the first LGBT nonprofit whistleblower to go on record and expose the intersections of corporate-government-and -nonprofit collusion as driving forces behind the "transgender rights movement" –which she illustrates is little more than a smokescreen for a massive social engineering and propaganda war being used to facilitate female erasure in language and law on a worldwide scale.
Her work connects the dots between normalized practices of child sexualization and the proliferation of bio-pharmaceutical transhumanist technologies. Yang frames these agendas as foundational to the colonization of the female body and female reproductive control.
Yang has been featured in the New York Post, on radio host Glenn Beck's podcast, and made multiple appearances on Fox & Friends, Fox News, & Newsmax.
K. Yang was a founder of her high school's first gay-straight alliance. Her perspective is uniquely informed by her past experiences as a prominent trans rights activist and her role in indoctrinating youth with "gender identity" ideology in New York public schools while working at an LGBT nonprofit funded by the New York State Department of Health.
In 2023, K. Yang went head to head with the organization when they sponsored a drag show aimed at small children. She led an inquiry into the Cortland Free Library's involvement with the event and demonstrated outside the library. Yang compiled a report detailing the flow of NY State tax dollars behind funding the event. She organized a public demonstration to oppose the drag show and also led the way in demanding accountability from The City of Cortland Common Council, who approved the permit for the event. (Cortland Voice - "After Saturday's Pride Festival, The City Looks To Change Event Requests Process")
In 2021, K. Yang organized the first protest in New York City of a "gender clinic" performing unethical surgeries on minors in the name of "transgender medicine." Yang has organized and attended protests at the National Monument in Washington DC against Biden's Executive Order #13988, multiple "gender clinics" in NYC, the Wisconsin State Capitol, the Texas State Capitol, the Washington Corrections Center for Women, at the 2022 NCAA in Atlanta, GA, where a male swimmer stole a woman's title competing as a female, the first ever protest at the United Nations Headquarters in NYC against the Sustainable Development Goals, and in front of the Mayor's Office / Department of Education at New York City Hall where nine arrests of violent counter-demonstrators were made.
In June of 2023, K. Yang attended the NYC Pride March at Washington Square Park. While holding a sign that read, "STOP FEMALE ERASURE," Yang was followed and harassed through the park by a man who identified himself as a "trans woman." She was then swarmed and assaulted by a mob of trans-identified males and their allies –the story made national and international news and was featured on the very first episode of Fox News Jesse Watters Primetime. The same "STOP FEMALE ERASURE" sign at the center of mob violence during NYC Pride 2023 was one of multiple signs that were stolen, destroyed, and thrown in a dumpster while K. Yang was photographed for a New York Post article at the National Women's Rights Monument in Seneca Falls, NY.

Updated list coming soon...
Newsmax - Carl Higbie Frontline - Aired June 28, 2023
Fox News - Fox & Friends Weekend - Sunday - Aired January 8, 2023
Fox News - Fox & Friends - Tuesday - Aired January 17, 2023
Fox News Digital - Published by Hannah Grossman - July 11, 2023
Breitbart News - Published Jun 27, 2023
Podcast Interviews
Isabella Malbin - The Whose Body Is It?- Aired June 30, 2023
The Glenn Beck Program - Aired January 12, 2023
Benjamin Boyce Podcast - Premiered Dec 10, 2022
Glenn Beck - Mercury Radio Arts - Premiered January 12, 2023
Isabella Malbin - The Whose Body Is It? Podcast - Aired June 30, 2023
Meghan Murphy founder of Feminist Current - Published June 28, 2023
The Pride industrial complex doubles down on the myth of 2SLGBTQ+ 'hate'
Daily Caller - by Corey Walker - Published June 26, 2023
Woman apparently targeted for standing up against 'female erasure' at LGBT Pride event
The Post Millennial - Thomas Stevenson - Published June 26, 2023
Women's rights activist attacked at New York City Pride
The Daily Mail - By Claudia Aoraha, Senior Reporter - Published June 26, 2023
The Daily Mail - By Noa Halff - Published June 25, 2023
The Epoch Times - By Jackson Elliot - Published May 26, 2023
IN-DEPTH: Transgender Movement Has ‘Dangerous’ Hidden Motivations, Says Former LGBT Activist
The New York Post - By Dana Kennedy - Published January 7, 2023
Parents say their kids were brainwashed at school, seek deprogrammers
The New York Post - By Dana Kennedy - Published December 31, 2022
How billionaire Pritzkers became key backers of bail reform, ‘gender affirming’ care
Salon - By Jon Skolnik - Published October 30, 2022
Co-opting the message: How anti-trans activists hijacked a tool meant to help trans people
I am a completely independent artist, writer, film maker, activist, organizer, and researcher.
My work and my views represent only myself.
I have not been paid or commissioned by any NGOs/NPOs, private, corporate, government, or other interests to do this work.
I am drawing upon my personal experience as an organizer and activist of over 20 years and utilizing skill sets I have developed, to uncover a hidden in plain sight world-wide “gender identity” agenda being constructed at the expense of the female sex class, child safeguarding, & our sex-based reality.
If you are so compelled and you have the means to do so,
here is a list of ways to support my work.
Paypal: @StopFemaleErasure (K. Yang) https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/stopfemaleerasure
Paypal: @WomenAgainstSexBots (The Deprogrammer)
Venmo: @StopFemaleErasure (K. Yang)
Give Butter: https://givebutter.com/thedeprogrammerxx/kyang
Patreon "Removed" link: https://www.patreon.com/stopfemaleerasure
Buy Stickers--
Stop Female Erasure: https://www.stopfemaleerasure.com/shop
The Deprogrammer: https://www.thedeprogrammer.com/shop